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My review of today

Posted by on September 5, 2011

Hi everyone.

Today my little brother brother and I rolled on a large grass slope, rolling down to a large green shed, with a small dark blue shed on the back of it. We had a cats ball knocking each down the large slope, but we liked climbing up just as much.

My little brother often would put himself in a position below me, waiting for me jump down at him. But when I did so, he would dodge out of the way and let me tumble down the hill.

On the path going to the grass slope, we found a dead skua, with a large hole in it’s underside, full of maggots. At first I didn’t notice, but when I focused on it I noticed dozens upon dozens upon dozens of grey churning maggots.

But before all that happened, we had lovely breakfast cooked by my 100% father. After we finished our chicken and mushroom omlettes, we rowed to the beach and my brother and I ran off a bit of our energy chasing each other with sticks, but both of us knew it was only a game.

Then it came to walking to the Bakery, where we thought Mum was. I wanted to go the way by the beach but as we neared where the water was, I realized it was far too hard. My brother and I found a tree that we could climb up to the main road used by the cars to get to the town. Dad followed the water and trudged through while we climbed the fallen tree. We both had fairly large sticks, but it didn’t weight us down much and in a couple of minutes we were both standing looking down at Dad who was braving the cold and salty water.

We followed Dad until we came to some concrete stairs leading down to a small area of sand were Dad had yet to come. By the time we had walked down the stairs, Dad was entering the small sandy beach. My brother went up the stairs while Dad and I went the beach way. Dad continued walking in the water, while I walked along the sandstone cliffs that loomed above the beach.

After a lot of climbing and a lots of walking through salty water and a lot of easy walking by the side of the road, we were all at the Bakery. As we found out later , Dad knew Mum wasn’t there, but he didn’t tell because he wanted to go to the Bakery. I got a bottle of lemon and lime fizzy drink and a Golden Gaytime ice-cream. My brother and my father bought imilar rations. After a lots of drinking and eating, we went back to the grass slopes. Dad deeply disagreed with us going there, but we managed to persuade him into coming with us.

After meeting up with Mum, we took off our shoes and laid down our sticks and mucked about on the rich grass slopes. After a fair bit of tossing each other down, and being tossed down while climbing up, we eventually went back to the dingy. My brother picked up a stick and we both insisted on taking our sticks back to the boat.

When we arrived at the boat, Dad insisted our sticks stayed in the dinghy. We washed ourselves off and cleaned up our cuts and bruises. My younger brother finished washing himself just before the rain got here. After that, we had a brilliant dinner cooked by Dad again and finished writing what you have just read.

Looking into the future, I’m also certain Dad is now going to make us go to bed…

Here is a picture of my home made ink pen, made from a pelican feather I found on the beach this morning.


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