We got to Hobart around midday. A slightly later arrival time than planned, due in no small part to the consumption of whiskey while watching a movie the night before.
We had some new friends to say goodbye to (see another post under friends if ERIK) and damn it if I didn’t leave the Bellerive Yacht Club with their key still in my pocket!
We got into town and caught up with friends and family, and the kids were pleased to see some of their dock friends again. They spent the entire afternoon running around barefoot squirting water at each other… I think it got to about 13 degrees C at most today. That’s tassie kids for you!
Tomorrows jobs are:
1. Put the blocks back on the booms and reeve the sheets so we can actually sail.
2. Seal up the wiring in the foredeck locker were it comes through from the mast
3. Find some way if restraining the new batteries in position, so they can’t move.
By Saturday morning we’ll be out of 3G range, so blog updates will need to wait until we are back in range.