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The long walk

Posted by on March 3, 2012

Late last week, after a few days of being weather bound on board, we decided it might be nice to row ashore at the sandstone cliffs in West Arm and walk down to the historic community of Yorktown.

Replica soldiers cottage at Yorktown

I would like the record to reflect that I suggested sailing our dinghy up with the tide. Admittedly we would have been a bit late catching it, but surely the gusty 15kt northerly would keep us moving! A spirited sail, I reasoned. None of my would-be crew agreed.

So we set of to explore the delights of Yorktown…. Just to kill any sense of suspense here, let me let you in on secret: there aren’t any delights in Yorktown.

What it used to look like…

If you happen to be driving through and want to stretch your legs for 15 minutes, by all means stop and have a look. If, like us, you think walking 6km (one way) along a back country road in the hot son with two kids is worth it to see Yorktown, it isn’t.

Having said that, we did have some fun on the walk in. We saw a recently dead mum tiger snake on the road, with a dozen babies flattened nearby. Incited much gory interest in two boys, that did!

We also stopped and had a great chat with some people that lived by the road, and they were very kind to give us some of their surplus tomatoes. They left them by the gate for us to pick on our return walk.

They made a delicious warm bean, tomato and basil salad for dinner!

It was great to finally return to ERIK after the long walk at the end of the day, and yes, I didn’t do much at all the next day!


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