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Day Two of Haulout 2014

Posted by on March 18, 2014

We got stuck into the hull below the waterline today, scraping all the loose anti foul off first, cleaning out any daggy putty in the seams then caulking, puttying, and priming bare wood where exposed.


The white rings is part of our usual modus operandi; we walk around scraping, sanding and chipping away at paint, then marking the hull area with a circle in chalk so we know where the problem areas are later.

We got out five year putty thinned down and malleable again (mixing turps with it is the trick) and got the caulked seams puttied before the rain came through and called a halt to proceedings.

I hate being up on the hard when it’s blowing. It’s currently going 15 with occasional 20kt gust and the boat shudders and shakes, perched up as she is… It feels most unnatural for the old girl and I’m sure she doesn’t like it any more than I do.

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