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Día Tres de Haulout 2014

Posted by on March 19, 2014

We’ve just finished watched the early Vin Diesel 2003 film “A Man Apart”, and blistering barnacles, it was decidedly average. Full of unsubtitled Spanish speaking Mexican drug lords and their henchmen… Hence the title of this blog post.

How did Day 3 go?
Today my arms fell off.

We’ll, they feel like they have, at least. Today I sanded the topsides with a third-sheet power sander and my arms ache, ache, ache.

But the good wife and I got two coasts of undercoat, and the first cost if topcoat! Yay!
We were a little behind schedule for going back in Friday, but we made for lost time, and we’re back on track.

As they say in Spanish:
“No se puede superar el sudor de una buena mujer y el amor de un día de trabajo honesto!”

Run it through Google translate yourself, but I think I got it mostly right.

And doesn’t she look pretty:


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