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Haulout at TYC (Day 6)

Posted by on March 11, 2012

I got stuck into the engine room today:

  • Fitted one exhaust hose
  • Removed the other one
  • Found out that the second one is slightly longer, so the one I have will become a spare (good thing) and I’ll have to walk back to ENZED and get another length (bad thing)
  • Cleaned out the saltwater galley pump by blasting water back through it.
  • Fitted a inline filter to the seawater intake to hopefully avoid it getting clogged again.
  • Fitted a optical smoke alarm to the engine room.
  • Cleaned out a bunch of soft rotted wood around the propeller shaft. Turns out that’s it’s the lazerette bulkhead that’s rotted, not the deadwood or anything structural. Still going to have to something about it, but not this haulout.

Jobs left to do:

  • fit the new length of exhaust hose on the port side
  • rebolt the exhaust outlets

Working in the engine room is pretty exhausting. You have to take your weight on one knee and one arm while you work with the other one. Alright for 15 minutes, not so good after 4 hours.

Lis is going great on the outside, she has half the hull sanded. I’ll help her with other half tomorrow, then we start putting paint back on!


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