Author Archives: Mike
Masts are out!
Well we left the marina in crappy weather this morning; 20kt easterly and raining. Everybody will be overjoyed to know that the new regulator and alternator and all the new wiring worked beautifully. It’s a pity the cranking battery is cactus… Matt Orbell, from Green Marine is looking into it tomorrow. The masts were out … Continue reading
Farewell shin-dig
We had a bit of seafood and wine thrown together to say farewell to some of our friends at the marina. It was really great to see everyone, and so many people gave us the good wishes for the future. It was really nice.
Getting the job list down now…
It’s getting down to the wire now…. We leave the marina in two days to pull the masts and fit the mast based equipment. The sea strainer went on today, Replumbed the diesel feed for the engine to make room. The new VHF is in, with the second station mounted in the cockpit and all … Continue reading
A week before we leave
So somebody asked me this morning if was excited about leaving…. Excited!? The concept was so far from my current mental state right now it took my a few seconds to understand! Planning, fretting, organizing, fitting, fixing and buying all sorts of stuff, yes. Excited? No. I’ll be glad when we leave, then what’s done … Continue reading
Welcome to Decks Awash!
Welcome to the chronicle of the adventures, trials and tribulations of the crew of the good ship ERIK. Depending on your viewpoint, we have been preparing for this cruise for the last three weeks, four years or a decade. Three weeks ago my role at the company I worked for became redundant. The pay out … Continue reading